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11 Effective Habits to Give You Better Sleep

By Coach Jeremy Hoy, MS, CSCS, SCCC, PES, TPI1, RPR1 Parents, athletes, and coaches have known for years that getting plenty of sleep is one of the most important factors in optimal recovery in sports.  One of the least expensive fitness and performance factors that can have a huge impact on results is giving yourself high quality sleep.  Getting better sleep is a requirement for you to perform better in not only sports and fitness, but also your work and life activities.   However, it still seems that most people are deprived of quality sleep, and as a result, often not achieving full recovery from activities, work, games, practices and/or workouts.  I want to provide you with proven habits and...

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3 Limiting Factors Holding You Back From Your Fitness Goals

Learn the 3 main limiting factors holding you back from achieving your fitness and performance goals.  While there may seem like many, these 3 have been rated the highest physical obstacles.  You will also need to get the right mindset and make the commitment to following through with your workout and nutrition plans.

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