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How to Improve in Sports Using Dynamic Vision Training

By Coach Jeremy Hoy, MS, CSCS, SCCC, PES, TPI1, RPR1 If you’ve been around sports long enough, you’ve most likely come across some videos, commercials,, articles, or interviews of elite athletes doing some sort of dynamic vision training.  While it is not new, our understanding of what it is and how it works is getting more advanced, and the benefits have been proven and realized at every level.  I believe it was LSU football (wide receivers) that was using vision training tactics in high stress situations in their practices last year leading up to winning the National Championship.  USA Hockey and MLB players frequently use dynamic vision training programs, and students at the US Air Force Academy have access to...

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Focus on these 3 Main Things for Youth Athletic Success

By Coach Jeremy Hoy, MS, CSCS, SCCC, PES, TPI1, RPR1 Successful coaches and athletes alike understand and appreciate the value of proper preparation and its relationship to achieving success in sports competition.  But what many athletes and coaches don't understand are the three main components that need to be addressed for optimal athletic success: physical preparation, tactical/technical preparation, and mental or psychological preparation.   Physical Preparation Physical preparation is any type of training that addresses the physical elements of sports such as mobility, flexibility, strength, speed, power, acceleration, deceleration, dynamic vision, reaction time, and sports nutrition. All of these elements need to be addressed to help best prepare an athlete or team for successful sports competition.   Tactical/Technical Preparation Tactical/technical...

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How to Use 9 Coaching Guidelines to Enhance Athlete Development

By Coach Jeremy Hoy, MS, CSCS, SCCC, PES, TPI1, RPR1   In my years as a strength and conditioning professional I have had the opportunity to coach a lot of young athletes, from varying ability levels and many different sports.  I have been involved with organizations responsible for long term youth athlete development: some of which did an excellent job with their task and others who have failed miserably.  At the same time, I have been fortunate enough to work with Olympic, Professional, and high level high school, college, and amateur athletes from many different sports, who all benefitted from coaches and parents who helped foster development and a passion for sports and growth along the way. (9 Coaching Guidelines)...

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11 Effective Habits to Give You Better Sleep

By Coach Jeremy Hoy, MS, CSCS, SCCC, PES, TPI1, RPR1 Parents, athletes, and coaches have known for years that getting plenty of sleep is one of the most important factors in optimal recovery in sports.  One of the least expensive fitness and performance factors that can have a huge impact on results is giving yourself high quality sleep.  Getting better sleep is a requirement for you to perform better in not only sports and fitness, but also your work and life activities.   However, it still seems that most people are deprived of quality sleep, and as a result, often not achieving full recovery from activities, work, games, practices and/or workouts.  I want to provide you with proven habits and...

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3 Limiting Factors Holding You Back From Your Fitness Goals

Learn the 3 main limiting factors holding you back from achieving your fitness and performance goals.  While there may seem like many, these 3 have been rated the highest physical obstacles.  You will also need to get the right mindset and make the commitment to following through with your workout and nutrition plans.

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